Monday, November 7, 2011

Menu Monday

It's Monday!  The beginning of another week and a whole new set of to do lists.  So far I'm not doing too bad- both kids fed, bathed, baby is napping, and clothes are in the dryer.  We have a playdate/ prayer group meeting and then LOTS of laundry baskets to empty.  I love so much that I get to be home with my babies on a Monday morning!

I'm the kind of person who gets overwhelmed easily by tasks and to do's, so it helps for me to plan out my meals for the week.  I'm totally right brained and not an organized person naturally, it takes a lot of effort on my part to be organized.  Menu planning really does make my life easier.

So here's what we're having this week (well I started Saturday):

Saturday: Crock Pot Roast
Sunday:  Leftovers -(Hey!  it's a day of rest! gimme a break)
Monday:  Coconut Panko Chicken fingers
Tuesday:  Meatloaf
Wednesday:  leftovers or sandwiches (sometimes I don't cook Wed nights b/c Steven is still at church)
Thursday:  Butter Chicken
Friday:  Pan Fried Chicken Thighs

Other easy meals I have in mind in case I feel like substituting:  Soup & Grilled Cheese, pigs in a blanket, homemade pizza

Now, I don't always stick to the plan exactly.  If I'm not in the mood for what I've planned then I'll switch it up.  No biggie.

If you do menu planning, please share a link!  We'd love to see what's on your menu too!

And b/c it's no fun to not have a picture, here's my precious baby girl!  (I do have a precious boy too, but his pics lately just aren't as stinkin cute as this one.  Sorry Will!)


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